Radio Free Texas

Monday, December 21, 2009


That was fun.  A little bit too much fun towards the end, but fun nevertheless.  That’s what we fans have been wanting to see all year.  A Cowboys team that played smart, hard, hit em in the mouth football from the git go. 

You could see the writing on the wall almost.  This is the NFL, the big boy league.  Any time a team gets that much positive publicity, that many glowing accolades on that many channels from that many experts you can just about beat they are headed for a fall.

The aint’s appeared to show up thinking that all they had to do was holler Who Dat enough times and the other team would concede the game and everybody could boogie-woogie all night in the French Quarter.  It almost never works out well for the team in the midst of all the hoopla.  (refer to last years last game at Texas Stadium and the first game this year at Cowboys Stadium). 

Sure those guys are professionals.  They are also human.  They hear, read and see a lot of the stuff they say they never hear, see, or read.  Saturday night our Heroes showed up more ready to play than the guys with flowers on their hats.  It happens.  That’s the reason you never really know who might beat who.  Did anyone think Oakland was gonna beat Denver Sunday ?

Right now as I type this, there is a coach in a dark room, in an empty stadium watching film.  Studying to see what he can do to beat next weeks opponent.  Many more hours will be spent searching for a weakness he can use against this weeks team.  Then in practice this week there will be moments where he tries to get that info drilled into his players heads so they recognize what they see come Sunday.  It may be a small thing, a foot placed a certain way on running plays, a gesture a player makes if the ball is coming to him.  There are so many ways to win or lose a game.  Attitude is one of them.

I think this past week the coaches of the Good Guys just did a better job of getting them ready to play than the aints coaches.  I don’t care if a team is 16-0, nothing has been decided yet.  The job now is not look back but ahead at the redskins.  You can’t decide that since you beat the aints, all you have to do is roll into DC and you automatically win versus the skins.  Shouldnt be too hard to teach your players that after what just happened to New Orleans, should it?  later Poke

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great post. Out of all of the games of the year, this definitely is not the one to sit down on. The Redskins always have a reason the play Dallas hard. Now they don't have anything to fight for... except to try to kick the Cowboys out of the playoffs. That's motivation enough. But when all is said and done, I think the season will be won or lost during the Philly game. But if they play them like they played the Saints, then the game is all but a formality.