Radio Free Texas

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Cowboys Crystal Cathedral

i have often referred to Texas Stadium as the Tabernacle of the Blue Star.

if Texas Stadium was a tabernacle then this new beauty rising over the landscape in Arlington can be considered nothing less than a shiny, eye catching Crystal Cathedral. ( my apologies to Robert Schuler).

i went out for the open house last Saturday. to say i was impressed would be a huge understatement.
i was a young boy when the Astrodome opened and I got to go see it. I was amazed by it in the way only a
wide-eyed, still wet behind the ears kid can be. I was sure then i would never see anything else that would
quicken my step and have my eyes in sensory overload. To this day...(well to last Saturday) I haven't seen
anything else that had impressed me the way the old Dome did back in the day. Sure I have seen some
impressive sports arenas and other buildings. I love the way the Ballpark in Arlington looks.
I totally loved walking into Texas Stadium although not for its beauty. None of those inspired the excitement of
the Astrodome when it was new and so was I.

That changed Saturday. For about 2 hours I was 12 years old again. I couldn't get to places quick enough
to see the sights. I am 53 years old, overweight and totally out of shape. I climbed to the highest row of the new
Cowboys Stadium. Why ? because i had to see what it all looked like from up there. I sat in seats in the middle of the stadium, the corners, the end zones. I leaned on a rail to get a feel for the 29$ party passes. I walked through a "club" that I will never get to go to during a game (too expensive). I marveled at football shaped light
fixtures and multi-screen HDTV's. I gasped at the prices i saw on the monitor style menus at the concession stands. I stared at the worlds largest movable roof and hoped that i will see it open or close one of these days.
then there is the "BIG SCREEN"... 60 yards long. Beautiful colors. we used to watch the games on a 19" black and white TV.

To make it even better the hole in the roof really does remind you of Texas Stadium even when it is closed.

Now that its a couple days later and my feet have touched the ground again I know there are some problems
at the Crystal Cathedral. I saw some seats there that have very little sight of the playing field. theres even a video
around that show them.
But for a couple of hours there it didn't matter. And that don't happen much when you get past age 12.

trust me when i say the pictures don't do it justice.

and i really dont type this way, i have to figure out why in the preview my sentences are cut off and shifted
to the next line. i would fix it tonight but its bedtime.

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