Radio Free Texas

Saturday, February 02, 2008

techno geek stuff

well since the Boyz are not playing anymore I have
decided to spend my time learning more about Blogger.
apparently they have a feature where I can put youtube
on this site and show Cowboy related videos to the legions
of people who wake up every day just to see whats on here.
so i researched, hacked code, and learned how to do it
(actually you just point and click a couple of times)
and I now have youtube videos about the Cowboys that you
can view without ever leaving this blog site. We will see
how it works out, I may or may not leave it. Hope you enjoy.
oh yeah, football...uhhhh I am predicting a Patriots victory.
sometimes us journalistic types have to just really go out on
a limb. later Poke


Anonymous said...

Everything has its day. The Patriots are due to stumble. That old saying about any team can beat any other team is true or it would not have been around as long as it has. An upset is in the making, but not here, not today, not this game.
New England by a mile.

Anonymous said...

Well was I ever wrong. I all but guaranteed a NY win by predicting NE to win. It's the family way. Buy high, sell low.

poke said...

yep brother, remind us not to ever go to Vegas together !!!