Radio Free Texas

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

what a day to be at Texas Stadium

man oh man what a beautiful day sunday was. the weather was great, the crowd
was rocking from start to finish, and the silver and blue put a butt-whipping
on the eagles....and t.o. only had 5 catches for 50 yards and NO TOUCHDOWNS !!!

but i'm getting ahead of myself. the last 14 or so days have been hectic around
here. i havent had any super duper insights on the cowboys hence the long time
between updates here on this blog. been busy, really busy, my folks from east
texas have been here because they couldnt go home because they basically
had none of the things we are all used to having..electricity, gas, grocery stores.
no doctors, hospitals ...stuff like that.

then BOOM.....all of sudden power started getting restored, some places opened up,
my brother made a recon trip and checked it all out. the cities started letting
people back in. some had power, some didnt. who was gonna need to stay ?? who was
gonna want to get back ?? they didnt know, i didnt know.

Sunday morning the last of our band of brothers,(not literally brothers ) got up
early, packed their stuff and headed home. everybody's houses had made it thru
without major damage..heck with very little damage at all compared to a lot of folks.
we were lucky and i was feeling blessed.

then it hit me..i have tickets ( free ones even ) to the Game today !!!!!!!!
oh routine was way off, i didnt have the lawn chairs loaded, the cooler
packed, no face paint...aaaaggghhhh oh well better to go unprepared than not go at
all. right ?? thats what i thought too. so me and my wife jump in the suv after
church..rush home..grab some water and at least my jersey. jump in the suv
take off as fast as we can (even though it was still 3 hours till game time ).
40 minute drive to the stadium and beat all the traffic.....uhh-ohhh.
we are halfway there when it hits me. for some reason i had turned on my
backyard sprinklers ( the ones no one can get to to turn off ). now i know its
going to be 7 hours till i get home. pre-game, game, post game, traffic...
what to do ?? what to do ??
i know i won't enjoy the game worrying so i turn around, make a mad dash back
west on I-20 to my house. must have looked really funny with the cowboy pennants
flying on my windows and the magnet that says "we're on our way, to see the Cowboys
play " and i am headed in the totally wrong direction. turn off the water, leave the car running, jump back in and zoom zoom zoom back to where we wanted to be.
ahhhhhhhhhh made it. still no bad traffic, thru the gates and in our seats
to watch the pregame warmups, boo the iggles when they come out and holler like
banshees when the good guys in the BLUE and SILVER come out.
then watch the best game, with the best crowd i have seen in years at Texas Stadium.
stood up nearly the whole game and loved every minute of it.
and to top it all off, my brother calls when we have the game in hand and tells
me the Astros have won, in 18 innings no less, with Clemens getting the win
in relief ! throw in the UT win over OU on wonder i felt blessed.
it was a perfect weekend for a sports nut like yours truly. and the sky never
looked bluer (is that a word ? ) looking out the hole in the roof at Texas Stadium.


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary and American Heritage Dictionary both say bluer is an adjective so my conclusion is yes bluer is a word. I also looked up chaos and found a picture of East Texas. How 'bout them Astros!