Radio Free Texas

Monday, February 06, 2006

SUPER BOWL PART 4....The final words

Okay its over. The 2006 season is in the books.
congratulations to the steelers who once again got every break, got every call
in their favor and even had a home field advantage in Detroit. they even sold the
stupid "terrible towel " at Ford Field. gimme a break.
offensive pass interference on that seahawk touchdown ?? You gotta be kidding me.
holding on that pass to the 1 yard line ?
a penalty on Hasselback for the tackle he made after his interception ?
and on and on and on.
yet they won. their best QB was a wide receiver. Big Ben had a qb rating of 22.
Bettis had 43 yards...43 and yet you would have thought he rewrote the record
books with all the face time he had on TV.uhh ohhh I feel a rant coming on..I just
hope my 2 finger typing can keep up with my brain.
what the heck was that national anthem deal ??
and I am old enough to have liked the Stones, then not liked them, then liked
them again, then got tired of them again and then started liking them again
just because they were still around. Is that the best the Super Bowl can do ??
Their performance did inspire the absolute best line of the day though.
it came from my 21 year old son.
after the halftime show and all the old guy jokes and the downright cruel
comments of some about the way Keith Richards looked I decided it was time
to bring up the Janet Jackson performance and all the hoopla it created.
so I innocently asked...." what do you guys consider more obscene, a little slip
of clothing that exposed her...or watching the old worn out, burnt out , anti-establishment band from the 60's ?? "
the question was asked simply to inspire great and insightful thoughts from the folks
at my house and to create an open minded debate. It didn't last that long though.
my son immediately piped in with ..................
"its better to watch an old dude, than an old boob.." !!!!!
end of debate..he a landslide. Way to go son. I feel the torch of glib,
cutting, on-the-edge smart aleck remarks passing from my hands to yours.

so the game wasn't a classic, but watching it with 18 or so friends and family was.
I had a great time, lots of good food..Everything from the nachos and the hot sauce
to the wonderful and delicious chocolate covered strawberries and bananas and marshmallows and anything else we could dip under the " chocolate fountain "
many thanks to ChefHale for bringing that over !!!!!!
I just had to put that link to the Chefs website on here...I was very impressed with
that fountain.

oh yeah..The commercials. I thought the Ameriquest ones...Don't judge too quickly..
were funny. The cavemen fedex, the Budweiser one using the beer to keep the bear off of you then your friend racing in to grab it...crime deterrent cellphones
all were good enough to back up the DVR and watch again. The "awwww" from all the ladies when the little Clydesdale pulled the BUD-wagon was cool to hear.
all in all a SUPER SUNDAY spite of the actual football game.
oh I told everybody at church...I guaranteed the Cowboys would not
lose today..and I was right.
now its official, this season is over...time to get the Boys back to the Bowl
cause its just not the same without them. Just wait till next year !!!!!!
later poke

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Turn out the lights, the party's over...