Radio Free Texas

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

its next year already

see..i promised i would be here more this year. i am now working on a new personal
best record of 2 ...(two) days in a row. consistency is my goal and im on a roll now.
anyway time to point out that the cowboys are in for some serious change this year.
new QB, new RG, new NT, new FS, new CB, some new coaches, new scheme on defense.
other possible changes in personnel might include greg ellis and glover not playing as much,
as well as maybe some new LB's depending on how quick the rookies get on the field.
so what does it all mean ???
how the heck do i know ???? training camp isnt open yet, nobody has put any pads on and hit anybody yet, the water boy hasnt even filled up the ice bucket yet. that doesnt stop most people
from making asinine guesses and predictions though. no matter what game it is the players
still have to make the plays in order for all the great planning to work out. so i am taking a wait and see attitude for now while remaining always optimistic .
i actually cant wait for something to start happening but i hate all the experts and their beating to death of all the guesses, assumptions and predictions so i am holding back until i actually have some info before i open my mouth and plant my foot firmly in it. till then....later poke

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Poke, if no one else takes the time to look you can at least say your big brother did. My priority for now is to get The Astros on track, but you know once they pull the chin straps tight I'll be there, sitting on the edge of my seat, grinding my teeth, stomach in knots, muttering under my breath and even ranting for The "Boys to get it done.